For our new "Adventure" - coming soon
Concepts and final design of our Wise Old Chief character. I used Herrerasaurus as they're meant to be the oldest dinosaurs. It also felt as if we did not have enough NZ references, so this was a good chance to get some Maori theme goin on.
This character will be someone the players could seek to get hints for difficult questions

This below is Gertrude the Gastonia. She's the town's witch-like character that kids are frightened of... silly little things.
She'll be one of the NPC's the players can click on to converse with.

Oviraptor is an egg-stealing carnivore in our first "quest".
The name 'Oviraptor' actually means "egg thief" and was obviously very apt to be our little villain.

For Petra the paleontologist I thought it'd be interesting to use Troodon.
Troodon dinosaurs seemed to have the largest brains -in relative to their body) and the scientists believe that they could've possibly been the smartest species.

Interesting fact: Due to the appearance of their teeth Troodon are believed to have been omnivore creatures. They also had massive eyes that were facing forward. This would've given them good depth perception as well as some sweet vision.