Wednesday, August 12, 2009


Nathan our programmer has come up with a new idea for a multi-player game - we're calling it Splat.
It's similar to a cannon ball game where 2 players can aim and fire cannon balls at each other. Violent? - I think not.
Before I go and spoil what is about to become our pride and joy, let me just show you the process of "The Making of Splat" through none other than IMAGES (oooohh)

This is what Nathan and I produce after our first meeting:

Yes. Very exciting and mind boggling stuff! (At this stage, we were thinking of using catapult to fling things at each other)

Time for Anna's special power-brainstorming!:

+ Brief meeting with Nathan

After some really bad drawings, and mundane ideas, comes a moment of creative flow.
This is where I really sit down and TRY to draw:

So this is the basic concept of our Splat screen.
Most ideas have changed. I have come up with a complete different idea for a "catapult".

+ Another brief meeting with Nathan

And the character design:

Once I'm feeling confident and Nathan and I agree on everything, I start vectorising all the elements.
This is the first draft where I haven't bothered to make it pretty:

And little by little, I start to add more to the screen:

You can never have enough information, so you just keep going till you're happy with it:

Finally, I'm somewhat happy with it. (And Chris no longer wants me working on this game)

I then move on to create different animation states.

These are our angry "balls":

Aren't they adorable... Awww

Now, it's all up to Nathan to put them together and make the magic happen.

Postcard Viewer

We're finally going to be able to send messages to players!
Thankfully I no longer need to create a different postcard (near the house) every time we want to announce something. Here are the postcards we have available
Still needs a few things edited...
*note to self: edit those things